++*B Secret Ravine Dawns Shine-On S: *B Meyer's Shining Starbuck AI SD: GCH Meyer's EX Starlight *M *B Meyer's Shining Scorpio AI 02/22/1997 Off white, gopher ears. DS: GCH +*B Meyer's E.G. Ole' Gold D: GCH Meyer's Ole' Deniese DD: Meyer's MCR Oh Donna |
SS: GCH ++B Hibb-Herb TRT Billy Idol S: GCH +*B South-Fork BI Thunderbolt SD: GCH BBT Double V Flame 2*M *B South-Fork Thunderbolts Stormy 03/04/1998 Black and white, gopher ears. DS: GCH +*B Meyer's MRDB Brutus Beefcake AI D: GCH Meyer's MBBC Canyon Blush 5*M DD: GCH Meyer's Ole' Sweet Cherry Wine 3*M |
GCH ++*B Companeros Pierre Dividend S: CH *B Winterwood's Typhoon SD: GCH Winterwood's L Wildwind 2*M Krishellen Typhoon 05/16/1998 White with black specks, gopher ears. DS: CH *B Yazz Patriot D: CH Krishellen Daylite DD: CH Krishellen Lite On |
SS: GCH Quixote Mela's Envoy S: CH *B Abelity Envoy's Javelin SD: GCH Abelity Keynotes Featherduster 2*M Krishellen Kodiak 04/09/1997 Chamoise with gopher ears. DS: CH Krishellen S O S D: Krishellen Sooraisit DD: CH Krishellen Raisinette |
Mancha Senior Does][La Mancha Junior Does]